Konkurs lingwistyczno-fotograficzny
W drodze głosowania Jury, zarówno I miejsce, jak i wyróżnienie w konkursie przypadło Pani Joasi Jasińskiej, studentce III roku Biotechnologii. Serdecznie gratulujemy! Nagrodzono fotografię zatytułowaną 'Standing Alone', a wyróżniono zdjęcie pt. 'Being beesy at university'. Warto zwrócić uwagę na opisy zdjęć.
Standing alone
This brave mushroom forced his way through the rocks to get to the surface. It proudly stands with its beautiful cap daringly glowing in the sunshine. It was surrounded only by stones and a little grass blade. The time when it appeared was also not conducive- the temperature was high, there was no rain for a while so drought had overrun the whole environment. It's moving how nature can fight with humans interference- this spectacular mushroom, flowers on the roofs, grass tearing through asphalt. It is a good reminder that we can’t win with the power of nature and in the current time we should pay more attention to the damages made by us and pointed at the environment.
Being beesy at University
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